Resilience. Integrity. Scholarship. Empowerment.
You’ve faced very real barriers to success in school. We combine a caring environment and intensive academic coursework with personal assistance catered to your needs. What we ask is that you be here on time, be productive and be “e-responsible” — that is, use technology appropriately and only during designated times.
We work in partnership with the Boston Public Schools, and we concentrate on core requirements and MCAS test preparation using project-based assignments that ultimately contribute to a portfolio of work that shows what you know.
Custom tailored learning plans and scheduling support the achievement of your goals for high school and beyond. We also provide opportunities outside the classroom to encourage lifelong learning. Case managers help you explore higher education options and potential careers, in addition to connecting you to resources that will help you with your educational and occupational interests.
At UHS, the school culture is defined by a set of principles we call the Habits of Mind or ABCDs:


